
Etienne Laliberté

Co-founder & CEO

Professor at UdeM & Associate Mila Member
PhD ecology, forestry
Vegetation remote sensing

Etienne Laliberté is a Full Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences of the Université de Montréal, a member of the Institut de recherche en biologie végétale, and holds the Canada Research Chair in Plant Functional Biodiversity. He also heads the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO). His current research focuses on the development of new approaches for vegetation monitoring (plant biodiversity and carbon) based on high-resolution remote sensing using drones and computer vision.

Arthur Ouaknine

Co-founder & CTO

Postdoctoral researcher at McGill & Mila
PhD Al, computer vision
Forest monitoring

Arthur Ouaknine is a postdoctoral researcher fellow at McGill University and Mila, in collaboration with David Rolnick. He completed his PhD in collaboration between Institut Polytechnique de Paris and where he applied deep learning for scene understanding using automotive radar data. His projects are now focused on computer vision and deep learning applied to forest monitoring. He is also a core team member of the non-profit organization Climate Change AI leading the webinar team.